Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center

The Imaging Center

We are a unique navigator for gaining insight in complex structures and functions of the human body.

Our insights in complex structures and functions of the human body enables us to effectively diagnose diseases, select and monitor therapies and develop drugs.

The Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center offers a patient friendly building with high-end preclinical and clinical imaging equipment, cutting-edge medical imaging techniques and data analysis and training services, world class multidisciplinary expertise, uniquely equipped labs for development and good manufacturing practice (GMP)-compliant manufacturing of medical isotopes, disease-specific diagnostic tracers and radiolabeled targeted drugs, as well as a broad spectrum of patient cohorts. Please find out how the entire medical world can benefit from this new state-of-the-art center in Amsterdam through our collaboration and innovation models. Our doors are open.

The Imaging Center is a nucleus for improvement of all medical related activities in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and beyond.