Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center

Advisory board

Dutch and international specialists in medical imaging, innovation, finance and business

There has been an eminent role for The international Advisory Board in the realization of the Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center. The board consisted of members with highly relevant expertise and different backgrounds. The members have advised both the hospital board of executives and the project team on strategic issues, such as marketing positioning and future developments, design and construction of the Imaging Center, acquisition and support of new contacts in the pharmaceutical and scanner industry, and subisdies, financing and the business case.

Please meet our valuable advisors

  • prof. dr. Bob Pinedo (Chair of the advisory board )
  • prof. dr. Chris J.L.M. Meijer (Vice chair of the advisory board)
  • prof. dr. Liselotte Højgaard (Board member)
  • mr. Rein Jan Hoekstra (Board member)
  • prof. dr. John C. Clark (Board member)
  • prof. dr. Peter Luijten (Board member)
  • dr. Martin Murphy (Board member)
  • dr. Joop Sistermans (Board member)
  • prof. dr. ir. David Reinhoudt (Board member)
  • prof. dr. Markus Schwaiger (Board member)