Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center

LaserLaB Amsterdam - Institute for Lasers, Life and Biophotonics

Multidisciplinary institute to study the interactions between tissue, medicines, proteins, DNA and cells by the use of light.

The mission of LaserLaB Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute Lasers, Life and Biophotonics, is groundbreaking scientific research based on the interaction of light with matter, spanning from the research on atoms, molecules and fluorescently labeled medicines to the investigation of living cells and tissue and sustainable energy sources. Within LaserLaB, interdisciplinary research is conducted in close collaboration between physicists, chemists, biologists and physicians. LaserLaB Amsterdam is a founding partner of the Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center.

LaserLaB Amsterdam is hosted at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, with participating research groups at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Amsterdam University Medical Centers (locations AMC and VUmc). LaserLaB Amsterdam also is part of Laserlab-Europe an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative of the European Union, forming a consortium of the 33 major laser centers in Europe. In addition, LaserLaB Amsterdam is a founding partner of the Quantivision Institute, which was set up in 2011. LaserLaB Amsterdam is very successful in acquiring external funds, as evidenced by the high number of awarded VIDI, VICI and ERC applications.

The discovery of the laser 52 years ago, gave scientists access to beams of light of extremely high intensity and very short duration. The laser has become a unique tool for the research into the foundation of nature and life, such as photosynthesis, protein dynamics, chemical reactions and constants of nature. The laser has made it possible to study the structure of living materials and matter and the chemical and physical processes that take place within them.

Study the interactions

Within the Human Health & Life Sciences (H2LS) and Science for Sustainability (S4S) research agenda of the VU campus and in the joint Department of Physics & Astronomy at the VU and the UvA, LaserLaB offers the essential beta foundation within the interdisciplinary research into life and health and sustainability through a solid anchoring in the fundamental (laser) science. The increased need for better and cheaper care requires a better understanding of the basic processes of life.

LaserLab research focuses, among other things, on the development and application of new optical methods, techniques and instruments to study the interaction between fluorescently-labeled medicines, proteins, DNA, cells and tissue. This knowledge will lead to innovative diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. The LaserLab activities focused on medical applications are concentrated in the Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center. The research within LaserLaB is organized around the dominating societal needs, Human Health and Energy. Some 100 scientists are involved in laser-oriented scientific research of applied and fundamental nature.

In this lab, cutting-edge optical techniques are developed, a speciality for which Amsterdam UMC is known worldwide.

Join the hub

The LaserLab serves as a powerful multidisciplinary educational faculty, especially for national and international (Master’s) students and has a unique position in Europe.